Which position is best for me?

2006-11-07 9:44 am
Male, 17yrs old,
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 150 pounds
Right foot: 90, Left foot: 85
Dribbling: 80
Passing (long): 80, (short): 95
Heading: 80
Shooting accuracy (long): 85, (short): 95
Defense: 70
Energy: 80
Goal keeping: 75

回答 (6)

2006-11-07 12:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
According to the information you provided, I suggest that you play the following four positions: left or right midfielder, left or right inside forward.
As you haven't mentioned your speed, I assume that you're pretty good at it and with your passing, long shot and heading accuracy, you should be capable of being a good midfielder.
As you haven't mentioned your positioning, I assume that your positioning is pretty good. With that and your capability of dribbling, you should be able to handle left or right inside forward as you have strong close shot.
I don't suggest you playing full back because your defending skill is only 70. I suggest that you try the above four positions in different matches (if your coach permits). I'm sure that within a few games, you will find out which position is best for you and your coach will agree with you.
If my assumptions are wrong, then work on them because those will help in the long run.
Good luck!
參考: Soccer coach
2006-11-08 3:04 am
2006-11-07 12:57 pm
front midfield like lampand
2006-11-07 11:49 am
高既人打中場會唔會好d呢 (香港人黎港你算高啦~)... 雖然高人頭鎚有著數, 但係速度一般唔夠較矮既球員快 (只係指一般情況, 有講錯既有怪莫怪...), 既然你長傳都ok, 可以負責分波嘛, 踢足球唔一定要打前峰先突出到自己既~~ 每個位置都各具所長, 足球呢樣野, 一個人係踢唔晒既~
2006-11-07 10:18 am
You should be - AMF
Attack Mid-Fielder

As you got:
Right foot: 90, Left foot: 85
Dribbling: 80
Passing (long): 80, (short): 95
Heading: 80
Shooting accuracy (long): 85, (short): 95

Your ability:
Passing *
Scoring *
Playmaking *
Dribbling *
Reaction *
2006-11-07 9:53 am
Winning is the most suitable postion for u,,,,,

well, u should be FW la

Shooting accuracy (long): 85, (short): 95
Heading: 80

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