
2006-11-07 8:44 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-07 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
d chinese meaning not too good wor, but I can translate for u.......

I'm working in......(無performet呢個字, 唔知你's meaning), I'm working as (a title) and a greeter at the same time, I gain a lot of invaluable expreience when I'm greeting the customers/guests (depends on your job), (add example is better wor, how 宝貴sin), and I realize that I'm suitable for a customer-related work.
I want to be a flight attendent because I want to try different jobs when I'm still young( 咁即係佢請你,你都好快轉工lor, 佢點請你ar?)besides, I like travelling very much, I know passengers will have different feeling whrn they're travelling, I hope I can bring them happiness and satisfactory through my sinerce service.
thx for giving me a chance for introducing myself (唔駛咁長氣ar, thank you is enough la)

2006-11-07 01:11:22 補充:
唔好怪我老實, d meaning 同pattern 都唔係咁得wor, 唯有笑多d, invite groupmates share their opinions la, remember when u invite someone, better call their names, it will bring good impression ar, of cause u need to remember it when they're introducing themselves la
2006-11-07 9:57 pm

你怎可以說你想用小小力量的? 小小力量可以便旅客多一份滿意? 那你用大大的力量又如何? 何不說你盡最大努力, 悉力以赴, 做到最好, 那不是更好嗎?
客人去另一目的地的心倩很不同應該也不要提, 理論上不需要知他們心情而事實人人心情都不一樣, 只要你在飛機上讓他們心情都一樣(愉快)便可了.

2006-11-07 13:58:21 補充:
預祝你成功, 也希望坐到你服務的航機
2006-11-07 3:45 pm
Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen.
My name is XXXXXX (your name). I am working at XXXXXXXX (your company's name) as a performet as well as a greeter. Through the experience of a greeter, I have improved my customer service skills and I find that I am really suitable to do this kind of job.
I am interesting in being a flight attendant because I would like to try different kind of job while I am still young. I also like to travel to different places. As a traveller, I understand the feelings of customers who are on board travelling to different places. It is my pleasure to provide my best service to make them enjoyable and satisfactory during their journeys.
Thank you for giving this opportunity to introduce myself. Have a nice day!
2006-11-07 9:43 am
Work is a performet..Also look after both sides of a greeter work in the meantime..When I work on a greeter work of time..Let me protected expensively an experience of treating the guest..Let me understand oneself very suitable work on this kind of work..Now time to stewardess..This post's hasing the reason of[with] interest BE..I think at I return young of time try a different work..AndI like to travel very much..Guest's body's going an another mood of one destination on a plane will be very different..I think making them feel to have another one on the itinerary with my small strength is satisfied.
Thank you for letting me have a chance oneself is at this introduction
2006-11-07 9:32 am
I suppose that it will be a job interview rather than a written letter. Along the line below...

Let me introduce myself here. Although my present role is performer at XXX, I also fill in as a greeter at times which let me have the valuable experience in learning how to serve customers. This has made me realize that I am quite cut out for a job that serves guests, and I have served them well. Hence I am interested in the opening of cabin crew (or flight attendant, or air stewardess). The main reason, although it may sound a bit immature, is my urge to have different exposures that should make me better mature. Of course it will be great if I can achieve that within your company. A flight attendant needs to perform a broad range of duties, but the most important of all, I believe is to give the guests a pleasant flight - be it business or leisure. I have no doubt in my own dedication to making them enjoy the journey with my will to provide the best service. The chance to travel to different countries and see the world, so to speak, will be another bonus of course.

I thank you for the opportunity of speaking with you on this. Have a good day.

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