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The earth trembles, the earth swallows.
Whenever the earth trembles and shakes, it is the children of the Stinging One furious that the nourishment due to them, has been denied. Honor them unceasingly by sating their hunger, or the earth itself will swallow man-kind whole to ...
www.strolen.com/content.php?node=2402 - 43k - 2006年11月4日
The foundations of the earth do shake. Earth breaks to pieces, earth is split in pieces, earth shakes to pieces, earth reels like a drunken man, earth rocks like a hammock; under the weight of its transgression earth falls down to rise ...
www.religion-online.org/ showchapter.asp?title=378&C=66 - 20k -
EARTH SHUDDERS AGAIN. f By Elaine Meinel Supkis Peru just had a big earthquake last night, 7.5, at 84 km deep. As usual before a great quake, the rattling of the earth was still for 24 hours. It is like it takes a deep breath and then ...
culturelifenewsii.blogspot.com/ 2005/09/earth-shudders-again.html - 20k -
想起中文 地動山搖,吞噬。