
2006-11-07 8:01 am
我想問如果我想換一部新電腦係core 2 dou,可唔可以用返ddr400既ram?

回答 (4)

2006-11-07 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
市面上支援Core 2 Duo的板雖然選擇不多,但終歸還是有的。
比較容易找到的有,Asus P5PE約五百多元,還有的就是AsRock Conroe865PE,這塊更平,約五百頭左右。


2006-11-07 10:28 am
likely no because Intel Core 2 Duo CPU usually use motherboard that support only DDR2 memory module with 186-pins. DDR400 is only standard DDR memory and only have 168-pins.

Most motherboards support DDR2 will not not have DDR slot, so it cannot use DDR400 memory.

If you find a motherboard support both, then you can re-use your DDR400 but you will not get the full benefit of newer CPU as your memory is slower.
2006-11-07 8:19 am
現時市面上用倒core 2 dou的底板只可用ddr2 ram, 可留意市場有否用865 chipset的底板是支援core 2 dou. 多數都無
2006-11-07 8:05 am
It is not related to the CPU verison. You should check against the mother board menu. It listed all support ram speed capacity and other information.
參考: my exp

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