will a digital camera allow me to develop pictures without anyone seeing them but me?

2006-11-06 2:53 pm
romanitic pics

回答 (12)

2006-11-06 2:55 pm
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If you buy a photo printer, yes. Otherwise you can only look at them on your screen (or on your PC/TV/etc.). If you send the files to a lab for developing, then other people will see them.
2006-11-07 2:53 am
I am a photo lab manager.
The "personal" pics have disappeared in the last few years due to digital, hardly see them any more :-)
Oh well, those were the good old days!
Just buy yourself a photo printer and start snapping!
2006-11-06 3:11 pm
Most of the inkjet printer now accept memory card directly. You can get one of those printer and insert your memory card into the printer. They usually come with a small LCD screen. You can browse through the image you want to print and print the ones you want. It would not retain any image so your picture is safe.
2006-11-06 3:01 pm
Digital cameras don't have film, therefore, nothing to "develop".
2006-11-06 2:58 pm
Absolutely. If you have a computer, a printer and a digital camera, you can take any picture you want. My girlfriend and I love to take pictures of each other doing whatever we're doing. I save them on my computer hard drive under My Documents, print some that she takes to should her girlfriends (not sure why). So YES, picture taking is fun with digital equipment.
2006-11-06 2:57 pm
Yes. As long as you print them yourself. If you take them and then send them over the Internet for printing at Walgreen's they would still be seen (and probably reported).
2006-11-06 2:56 pm
2006-11-06 2:56 pm
yes, you can plug your camera directly into some photo-printers.... and voila!! instant pictures - right in your own home.
2006-11-06 2:55 pm
you can develop them at home, if you have a printer that prints pictures. Other then that no. that is my suggestion, or you can buy the digital cameras that have the docking station with it.
2006-11-06 2:55 pm
yes u have to buy a digital camera home printer they have them anywhere that sells digis

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