公司it block msn

2006-11-07 7:44 am
公司it block 左msn, webmessenger, meebo, e-messenger 差唔多所有可以用msn o既方法。不過好奇怪係全公司同事都用緊,個個都話我知公司係可以用msn。我老細話唔知點解d同事可以裝到。我裝o既時候,話我唔係系統管理員所以裝唔到。最諷刺係我老細都裝到msn,但佢好少用。

我有試過用gaim,但唔知點解登入時,係讀取cookies話會彈出一個話ie 有問題,必需關閉。



回答 (3)

2006-11-07 11:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
First you need to solve why you cannot install MSN messenger, ask your IT Dept. to give you enough right of your PC to install software.

Second, if you can install and run MSN messenger on your PC, but still cannot sign on, try changing MSN connection properties (i.e. using firewall, using proxy, etc.)

Third, if everyone else is able to connect on MSN, try the setting they're using for their MSN properties and also network settings to be same type (i.e using a proxy server in Internet Exploere or not)

You IT Dept might have proxy server blocking MSN traffic, but still allow outgoing Internet traffic directly thru. Internet gateway. This is probably how everyone else is able to MSN but not you. The difference maybe the setting you and your co-workers have.

If you want to remote to your Home PC and get on MSN, you must 1st enable RDP connection on your WinXP at home, and you'll need to setup dynamic DNS software running on your PC, and then register with a dynamic DNS service. That is a whole different topic you can research on your own.
參考: Experience
2006-11-07 9:19 am

  那裏你可以使用 Web Based 的 MSN、Yahoo! Messenger、AIM、ICQ 等。
2006-11-07 8:25 am
你不如試吓用msn個web message啦

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