可5可以help me改短文(英)

2006-11-07 7:41 am
Good afternoon,today I'll talk about sleep.
Sleep is an important things for us because sleep is the best way to rest.Everyone should spend [1/3]day to sleep.Sleep also can help us to relax the pressure and get out of tired.

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good afternoon,today I would like to talk about sleep.
Sleeping is an important thing for us because it is the best way to rest. Everyone should spend [1/3]day to sleep.Sleep can also help us to relieve stresses and get away from tiredness.

Nowaday,many HK people suffer from insomnia.People who suffer fro it have difficulty to sleep, they still feel tired after sleeoing for a long time.

Here are some tips for the people who have insomnia and the people who want to avoid it. First, they can drink a cup of hot milk before they sleep , take a hot bath, do something enjoyable. These can help you feel more relaxed.

Second, don't care about anything regarding your job or your school work before going to sleep. Learn to manage time well and make a good time schedule.They can help you to stay away from becoming nervous when you're sleeping.

If we have a good sleep, we can have quicker reponses and even become smarter!
Hope we all have a good dream tonight , that's the end of my presentation ,thank you.

2006-11-06 23:56:31 補充:
sorry, in the second paragraph, it should start with nowadayS, not nowaday

2006-11-06 23:57:44 補充:
typing mistakes in the 2nd paragraph: fro should be from; sleeoing should be sleeping.
參考: myself
2006-11-11 1:11 am
Good afternoon!
Today I'll discuss the sleep.
Because it is the best way rest,Therefore the sleep is an important matter.Everybody should use the[1/3]day to sleep.Sleep also may help us to relax the pressure and to leave tiredly.
參考: ME

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