
2006-11-07 7:25 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-07 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實你唔應該o係呢度問架, 問返出機票間公司or 航空公司 俾ticket number 佢睇返你個 class code, 一般V 同X Class 既經濟位同指定航班既特價機票 係唔可以改架, 應該係90日內改期一次就補一次錢, 有d加錢都唔俾你改, 要睇返你張機票既有效期同 class code, 仲有你想改既日子有無空位 等等, 希望解答到你啦...

2006-11-06 23:35:12 補充:
補充:如果做退票手續, 一般要3 至6個月先lor得返錢 同要扣手續費, 最多claim 返一半到6成左右到啦, 問AIRLINE 會清楚D

2006-11-06 23:38:16 補充:
如果你票面寫住 NONREFUND 咁既字眼係唔可以做退票手續架
2006-11-07 9:30 am
This depend on the condition and regulation on the sub-class you have booked your ticket on...
In most case, you will be able to change the date of flying but with a rebooking fees and you will have to pay a sepirate rebooking fees for the outbound and inbound flight... And the rebooking fees will also be related the your ticket condition and regulation...
As I dont know what is the sub-class your ticket have booked on... Therefore I am not able to tell you if your ticket allows you to change date and also the rebooking fees as it vary between different sub-class and different airlines...
But for a Taiwan return, if you are changing the date for both leg of the journey, it is most likely that you can get a Taiwan return ticket with that price... So just ring up the airlines and tell them that you would like the change the date, they will tell you the condition of your ticket... And if possible, they will also tell you the cost of changing...
And even if you are planning to change the date of flying, you will have to give a confirm date of the new trip that you are planning to take...
2006-11-07 8:30 am
你要睇返張機票上有冇限制先, 如果下面有non-refund就代表冇得退錢, non-change sch...就不能更改行程, 如果你張air-tix有以上2點出現就代表你機票不可更改行程又不可退..
如你有buy旅行保險, 有特別事故(當然唔想去住就唔屬於啦)令你個行程有改變, 就可以claim保險.
2006-11-07 7:36 am
2006-11-07 7:34 am
You can do what ever you want. It is your life.

If you want to go later than buy another ticket when you want to go later but be sure when you want to travel cos once a ticket is sold ( unless it is an expensive business class ticket ) there are no refunds and postponing dates.

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