Portable Hard Disk Read Only 問題

2006-11-07 5:27 am
係咁既,我個hdd最近唔知點解係其他既電腦上面只可以read,唔可以write。自己用開果部就可以read同write,個hard disk買左半年,每一次拔除hdd時都係安全移除架,即係window果個呢~請問有冇人知道點解呢??唔該哂..

回答 (1)

2006-11-07 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like you have formated your portable HDD in NTFS permission and your default permission is everyone able to read and only your own user account from your PC can write to it.

So when you take your portable HHD to another computer, it can only read as everyone is allowed to read from it. But only user account from your PC can write to it. I'm assuming that you are using WinXP Pro.

You can backup all data from on the portal HDD and format it again choose use FAT32 partition type. This way there is no permission information at all.

Give it a try.
參考: My own knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 02:01:03
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