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I am a fresh university BBA graduate student and hope that my information can help you to solve the problem la~
I think that you can apply some part-time degree program, normally the entry requirement are not so high but the school fee is about $45,000 to 60,000 la, as I know that Poly U, City U, BU and LU have part time Degree program, you can think of this ge~
also you can also think of some overseas top-up degree program ga, nowadays so many overseas universities provide bachelor program in Hong Kong, some programs only need to study one more year and you can get a degree, but you need to think of the reputation of the school and the school fee, especially you are study in accounting, you need to think of how many paper can exemption in HKAAT~
apart form this, you can also think of Open U~ open U provide a lot of degree program, if you worry about your english standard is not so good, you can study accounting in open U, they can have credit exemption and their entry requirement is so flexible~
the following have some website, you can see see it ga~
EMB website for register overseas universities -
The Open U -