
2006-11-07 3:42 am

回答 (1)

2006-11-07 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Electronic waste containing lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic heavy metals and other hazardous substances, if not handled properly, discard.burning or extracted using backward technology, will lead to severe environmental pollution, the long-term benefits in terms of social worth.Experts believe that such a simple process using acid leaching circuit boards and other components from the extract precious metals.treatment process is not driven by the adoption of environmental protection measures to contain lead.mercury and other heavy metals and other toxic substances harmful waste, the direct discharge of waste.to the natural environment over the last century have not eliminated pollution.According to experts, even the physical dismantling, the process of dismantling the dust produced by the burning of the dust.will be discarded parts of the surrounding air, water and soil pollution, and difficult to eliminate.Even more worrying is that a large number of circuit board containing poisonous materials, electronic devices,CRT glass in the flow of commodities and other major dismantling of control, became a big hidden pollution.It is understood that Green Peace Organization conducted a surveyCanton Township found Kijima solder recovery and demolition of parts of the market other indoor dust samples Lead dust is the lead several times.Road drainage and factory machinery to crush the sediments found only in non-ferrous metals,also found to contain 43 with the nation's toxic substances.And scrapping the television, computers contain lead, copper, mercury and other toxic substances large, buried away, the soil will be incinerated.water, animal and plant pollution, and ultimately cause significant harm to human health and life

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