有一次一個外國遊客問我 的問題 ?

2006-11-07 3:12 am
有一次一個外國遊客問我 的問題 ?
點解星期日中環咁多賓妹坐在街上 ?

我用英文答 in hongkong, many Mid class employee many housekeeper form Mayesia or Philipe , they are very poor , no money to entertainment , so HK goverment blocked area for them on sunday ! "

即係講在香港好多中產請左好多由馬來西亞和菲x賓 的工人, 佢地好鬼窮, 冇錢去娛樂, 所以香港政府在星期日比左一個地方佢地玩

我的文法岩唔岩 ? 有冇更好的 ?

回答 (4)

2006-11-10 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many middle class families in Hong Kong hire domestic helpers from Malaysia and the Philippines. These domestic helpers are quite poor with little money to spend. So the government has made available several enclosures for them to gather together on Sundays.


是middle class,不是Mid class。
僱用是employ 或 hire,不是 employee,employee 是僱員咁解。
不是 housekeeper,正式叫 domestic helpers,maids都可以
是Malaysia and the Philippines,不是Mayesia or Philipe
是little money to spend,不是no money to entertainment
block 並不是太好的字眼。




Many families in Hong Kong hire domestic helpers from countries like Philippine, Indonesia and Thailand. These domestic helpers like spending their rest days outdoor instead of staying at their employers' flats. Places like the Statue Square in Central and the Vicotria Parks in Causeway Bay are usually packed with these domestic helpers during holidays.

2006-11-07 4:22 am
Let us correct this again for the better:

A lot of middle class families in Hong Kong employs live-in maid from countries like Malaysia and the Philippines. They are usually quite poor and they do not want to spend much money on their Sundays off. So the Hong Kong government let them gather around places like Central so they can entertain among themselves while not bothering anyone.
2006-11-07 3:26 am
2006-11-07 3:20 am
重點係齊到﹐ 不個phrasing 有D問題﹐ 咁會好d:

Many midclass families employee domestic assistants from Malaysia and the Phillipines. Because they are not very wealthy, and dont have any money to entertain themselves. The government has given them specific areas of HK for them to gather.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:08:06
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