戲院提供 學生優惠 是 price discrimination 嗎? 點解釋?

2006-11-07 1:29 am
用圖表示出為什麼戲院提供 學生優惠;
是一條basic micro econ既問題,
應該點樣解釋-----點解咁做 同 -----點解seller有著數?

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Early analysis of this phenomenon was undertaken by English economist Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959).

Price discrimination describes the sale of identical goods or services in different markets at different prices.

Pricing is usually linked to ability-to-pay; thus, students or pensioners may pay less than others for social services. On a larger scale, modern pharmaceuticals companies frequently sell the same compounds at radically different prices in different (especially European) countries because the local market demand will allow it.

A monopolist may be able to engage in a policy of price discrimination. This occurs when a firm charges a different price to different groups of consumers for an identical good or service, for reasons not associated with the costs of production. It is important to stress that charging different prices for similar goods is not price discrimination. For example, price discrimination does not does not occur when a rail company charges a higher price for a first class seat. This is because the price premium over a second-class seat can be explained by differences in the cost of providing the service.


There are basically three main conditions required for price discrimination to take place.

Monopoly power

Firms must have some price setting power - so we don't see price discrimination in perfectly competitive markets.

Elasticity of demand

There must be a different price elasticity of demand for the product from each group of consumers. This allows the firm to extract consumer surplus by varying the price leading to additional revenue and profit.

Separation of the market

The firm must be able to split the market into different sub-groups of consumers and then prevent the good or service being resold between consumers. (For example a rail operator must make it impossible for someone paying a "cheap fare" to resell to someone expected to pay a higher fare. This is easier in the provision of services rather than goods.

The costs of separating the market and selling to different sub-groups (or market segments) must not be prohibitive.

Examples of price discrimination

There are numerous good examples of discriminatory pricing policies. We must be careful to distinguish between discrimination (based on consumer's willingness to pay) and product differentiation - where price differences might also reflect a different quality or standard of service.

Some examples worth considering include:

Cinemas and theatres cutting prices to attract younger and older audiences

Student discounts for rail travel, restaurant meals and holidays

Car rental firms cutting prices at weekends

Hotels offering cheap weekend breaks and winter discounts

The aims of price discrimination

It must be remembered that the main aim of price discrimination is to increase the total revenue and/or profits of the supplier! It helps them to off-load excess capacity and can also be used as a technique to take market share away from rival firms.

Some consumers do benefit from this type of pricing - they are "priced into the market" when with one price they might not have been able to afford a product. For most consumers however the price they pay reflects pretty closely what they are willing to pay. In this respect, price discrimination seeks to extract consumer surplus and turn it into producer surplus (or monopoly profit).
2006-11-09 6:19 am
Cinema that offers "student discount" is a kind of price discrimination.
price-discrimination meants that the same good is sold at difference prices by the reason other than different in production cost.
In this case, the seats offered to students and non-students are the same, with same producion cost. Thus, it's case of p-discrimination.

Seller will benefit by practising different pricing strategies. One of these strategies is perfect price discrimination.
Perfect price discrimination meants that, different prices are charged according to the MUV of different buyers.
The seller can capture the most consumer surplus by charging each consumer their highest MUV.

using a diagram:

-dram a downward sloping demand curve
-total revenue is QxMUV

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