
2006-11-07 1:14 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-08 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
AQ 成績商數 Achievement Quotient AQ 逆境商數 Adversity Quotient BQ 平衡商數 Balancing Quotient BQ 美麗商數 Beauty Quotient CQ 創造力商數 Creativity Quotient DQ 膽量商數 Daring Quotient DQ 發展商數 Development Quotient DQ 區別性商數 Distinguishability Quotient EQ 情緒商數 Emotional Quotient EQ 教育商數 Educational Quotient FQ 理財商數 Financial Quotient FQ 感覺商數 Feeling Quotient GQ 全球化商數 Globalization Quotient HQ 快樂商數 Happiness Quotient HQ 健康商數 Health Quotient IQ 智力商數 Intelligence Quotient JQ 笑話商數 Joking Quotient KQ 知識商數 Knowledge Quotient LQ 領導商數 Leadership Quotient LQ 愛情商數 Love Quotient MQ 市場商數 Marketing Quotient MQ 道德商數 Moral Quotient MQ 積極商數 Motivational Quotient MQ 成熟商數 Maturity Quotient NQ 純潔商數 Neatness Quotient NQ 營養商數 Nutrient Quotient OQ 組織商數 Organization Quotient PQ 知覺商數 Perception Quotient PQ 體能商數 Physical Quotient QQ 問題商數 Questioning Quotient RQ 推論商數 Reasoning Quotient SQ 原始感覺商數 Sentience Quotient SQ 社交商數 Social Quotient SQ 靈性商數 Spiritual Quotient SQ 成功商數 Success Quotient TQ 綜合商數 Teamwork Quotient UQ 瞭解商數 Understanding Quotient VQ 速度商數 Velocity Quotient WQ 才智商數 Wisdom Quotient XQ 經驗商數 Experience Quotient YQ 青春商數 Youth Quotient
AQ 逆境智商
BQ 大腦智商
MQ 道德智商
SQ 靈性智商
2006-11-07 1:23 am
當然仲有 FQ (財商)

Ability of a person to face difficulties

BQ is how beautiful/handsome a person is, it benefits job-finders.

而家O的人最注重 EQ, 跟住係 IQ,
FQ 萛係新進的,
AQ & BQ 就好少人講啦.

而我最注重的係 FQ.
2006-11-07 1:20 am
eq係指 情緒智商 , 而 iq 係指 普通智商(學習智商 [可以咁講])
除了這些 , 好像沒有其他 q
2006-11-07 1:19 am
Q = Quotient

AQ: Adversity Quotient
BQ: Balancing Quotient
CQ: Creativity Quotient
DQ: Distinguishability Quotient
EQ: Emotional Quotient
FQ: Feeling Quotient
GQ: Globalization Quotient
HQ: Health Quotient
IQ: Intelligence Quotient
JQ: Joking Quotient
KQ: Knowledge Quotient
LQ: Leadership Quotient
MQ: Moral Quotient
NQ: Neatness Quotient
OQ: Organization Quotient
PQ: Perception Quotient
QQ: Questioning Quotient
RQ: Reasoning Quotient
SQ: Spiritual Quotient
TQ: Team-working Quotient
UQ: Understanding Quotient
VQ: Velocity Quotient
WQ: Wisdom Quotient
XQ: eXperience Quotient
YQ: Youth Quotient
ZQ: Zooming Quotient

2006-11-07 12:54:35 補充:
AQ: Adversity Quotient 逆境智能商數CQ: Creativity Quotient 創造智能商數EQ: Emotional Quotient 情緒智能商數HQ: Health Quotient 健康商數IQ: Intelligence Quotient智慧商數KQ: Knowledge Quotient 知識商數LQ: Leadership Quotient 領導商數MQ: Moral Quotient道德智商SQ: Spiritual Quotient靈性智商
參考: http://www.doe.eng.c mu.ac.th/~akachai/Te xts/Articles/A-to-Z% 20Quotient.pdf

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