未來會計行業會變成點呢? 大家有無咩睇法啊?

2006-11-06 9:26 pm
未來會計行業會變成點呢? 大家有無咩睇法啊?

回答 (4)

2006-11-07 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
我個人認為會計行業既興衰好睇好受香港經濟影響, 香港經濟好, 公司越做越大, 自然會係公司設立會計部, 反之亦然, 另外經濟好人工上漲, 各行業均受專包括會計...

仲有就係香港政府既支持, 如會計師公會同其他外國既協會合作等等都有幫助
2006-11-08 4:21 am
I agree with Siu_Ming11. ACCOUNTANTS are always being needed, no matter the economy is good or bad!

The few questions you should ask yourself whether you are suitable for the job is:
(1) Are you that kind of person (attention to DETAILS)?
(2) Are you good with numerals?
(3) Can you sense something WRONG out of a bunch of numerals?
(4) Do you like memorising the LAWS of different countries, and RESPECT them?
(5) Can you live with LONG WORKING HOURS (at least 16 hours a day including holiday, with some occasion you have to do your work overnight without sleep and attend meeting immediately afterwards)?

If your answer is YES to all of the above, then you definitely is a good person and a good accountant.
2006-11-07 1:58 am
轉向大陸 !!
2006-11-06 9:35 pm

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