English passive voice Question

2006-11-06 9:05 pm
Explain and correct the error in the following sentence:

(A lot of negative events have been happened in Hong Kong this year.)

(The name of the cloned sheep was called Dolly.)


回答 (5)

2006-11-06 9:40 pm
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A lot of negative events have happened in Hong Kong this year.

happen這個詞暗指一些特發事情,故這些事情一般都是主動發生的,所以不需用passive voice.留意events could be (created) but could not be (happened).

The name of the cloned sheep is called Dolly.

這句關乎邏輯上的問題.雖然dolly已經死去多年,但它的名字並沒有因為它死去而有所改變--佢到現在仍然是叫dolly.was called是什麼意思?即是它曾經叫過dolly,現在已經有第二個叫法,但這顯然不是事實.

2006-11-06 14:10:15 補充:
回應樓下:this year並非特定時間.yesterday,last week或者last year都是特定時間,但由於this year尚未完全過去,而且還包含未來的一部份時間,所以this year並不可算是一個特定時間.只要某事情是在這年內發生而這年並未過去,在描述this year的句子中用present perfect tense是沒有問題的.

2006-11-06 14:13:59 補充:

2006-11-06 14:29:38 補充:
我再補充一段文字等你明白was called既意思.希望提出錯誤答案既人再斟酌一下.Tseung Kwan O' WAS CALLED Junk Bay before due to the fact that it was a landfill originally. The Government had re-named it as Tseung Kwan O (in Chinese it means General Bay) after the plan a satellite city would be built there.
2006-11-07 3:36 am
1. A lot of negative events HAD been happened in Hong Kong this year. 在這年發生了很多負面新聞, 都已發生多宗, 那應該是過去式的 HAD.

2. The name of the cloned sheep IS called Dolly. 那只複製羊叫Dolly, 牠出生時叫Dolly, 現在牠的名字也是一樣, 沒有變到, 所以應用 IS 而不是 was.

最後關於你補充的問題, 你自己試試用中文問自己, 那些事情是已發生了, 那些事情是將會發生, 你便知道對還是錯了. 一個是已被拉, 一個是將會攺, 你自己認為有沒有錯?
2006-11-06 10:20 pm
你呢兩句說話都唔係被動句, 點可以話有錯, 只不過tense 有啲奇怪.

A lot of negative events happened in Hong Kong this year.
事情要發生就發生, 何須「被動」之有?

The name of the clone sheep was Dolly.
呢句只係有語病, 好似「我的名字就叫做」, 有點多餘
2006-11-06 10:01 pm
A lot of negative events have been happened in Hong Kong this year.
-由於「不愉快事件」是由很多因素引起,並不是由某一人「製造」這些事件,另我們平時常聽到的What's happened是What has happened的縮句,並不是What is happened,故這句不能使用passive voice。

The name of the cloned sheep was called Dolly.
-這句犯了redundancy(冗詞)的毛病,這句可寫成"The name of the cloned sheep was Dolly"或"The cloned sheep was called Dolly",不會把兩句混合一起。
參考: me
2006-11-06 9:10 pm
A lot of negative event HAVE HAPPENED in Hong Kong this year.

The name of the cloned sheep WAS Dolly.

2006-11-06 13:11:24 補充:
Typo: event -> events

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