why do some cats like eating fish?

2006-11-06 8:44 pm
cats are those kind of animals that do not know how to swim infact they mostly hates water.if they can not even get close to a fish how did we possibly know they liked fish?who was the first person that figured this out?is there a story behind it?

please answer according to the questions and do not put junks on this I am just curious how they found that out(this does not include house cats that eats can foods or any thing human provided!)

回答 (3)

2006-11-07 7:57 pm
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而一向善於在黑夜活動的貓, 身體無法自行製造這種物質. 如果貓的體內長期得不到牛黃酸的補充,那麼,貓就會喪失夜間視覺的能力。科學家經過反復的實驗分析,發現老鼠肉中也含有大量的牛黃酸,這也是貓愛吃魚和老鼠的原固。
2006-11-07 7:21 am
As i know, it is an impression. It is related to the preachers who preached fin rom Europe to China in Ming Dynasty. Cats were brought into the ships for catching mice. Since the cats were in the sea, they were fed by fish. .
2006-11-07 12:36 am
人類順養貓已有幾千年歷史, 其實貓的祖先初時係肉食性動物, 老鼠, 雀仔乜都食, 總之細隻個佢就得, 但自從被人順養後, 人俾乜佢食佢咪食乜囉, 以前d人, 連自己都唔係成日有肉食, 特別係豬、牛禁大隻既, 仲有中國人對 動物的所有部分, 總之食得既都唔放過, 包括血(豬紅)、內臟(豬什、牛什), 所以又點會用黎餵貓, 又因人類好早已識得養魚, 食魚的機會較多, 所以以前的人只會用魚鱗、魚鰓同魚腸撈飯餵貓, 漸漸貓的腸胃就較接受魚啦。

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