
2006-11-06 8:26 pm

回答 (2)

2006-11-06 10:41 pm
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Yesterday was my parent day. Teacher delivered many speeches which are all about my faults,
Do I haven't any merit or he only focus on my shortcoming?

I recognize that I have chatted.
I finished my homework in separated papers because I was unwilling to fail to submit the homeworks.But that didn't prove me finishing homework by copying others nor carelessly. After that, he talked about my dressing. He could not point out myfault, so blamed me on the length of my skirt.

I would feel better if he had provided the evidence.
I think my teacher is highly demanding.

My parents blamed me a while before they went to work.
Then I went home.

2006-11-06 9:15 pm
My school teacher hold a meeting with my parent yesterday because of parent's day.
I am unhappy becuase the teacher point to my parent that my dectect was over my advantage.
Why are my teacher just point my detect?
first, my teacher point my homework.
I just often talk with someone during the lession
I did not do my homework which could not represent that I am lazy and copy someone's homework,it may be the homework was so difficult.
second, my teacher point my looks.
my teacher point my dress is so short.I wanted to take a objection with his point that why she can not obtain some evidence to prove her point .It just her opinoin.
I think her standard is so high.
after the meeting.my parent dressed down me.
then they went back their company and i went back to my home.

(my english level is not high. It is just take a reference. there may be some detect in gammer.)
參考: me

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