english grammar

2006-11-06 8:16 pm
education center vs educational center 正確

回答 (5)

2006-11-06 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends what you want to use it for:
"education" is a noun, and
"educational" is an adjective

In terms of practically, "education" will be use when you are stating a NAME of an education insitution. (For example: The Macquarie Education Centre), but on the other hand, if you want to describe a centre is very educational, then the adjective is used here. (For example: This is a very dynamic educational centre that provide lots of resources to the students)
2006-11-06 8:31 pm
梗係educational center, because you need a adj before the noun
2006-11-06 8:26 pm

2006-11-06 12:30:31 補充:
2006-11-06 8:23 pm
我認為education center bye
2006-11-06 8:18 pm
我認為education center

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