點先可依唔咁緊張 ??

2006-11-06 3:21 pm

回答 (4)

2006-11-06 4:38 pm
please do pregnancy test ASAP
2006-11-06 4:16 pm
Hahah.........Make sure you are not pok yea or make love first?

Me and husband are make love, the term of pok yea is not mean you are enjoy make love wor, dont max up.

If you don't have m this month, than go to see doctor to check up la.

If you have bb ask your parents how you do la!

If you don't, that is ok la!
2006-11-06 4:05 pm
你可放心正常來 m.c 做愛是不會受孕的,因來 m.c 的時候是不會有排卵期,你是真係過份緊張啊!不要太擔心!我會支恃你的!放髻自已不用緊張 m,c 會來番...thx
2006-11-06 4:01 pm
怏點去驗吧, 不安全性行為, 懷孕機會很大的

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