I was walking through an aquarium with my sis recently and kept feeling something hot hitting my leg through my purse. I sat down and checked it out and found that the culprit was a AA battery I had put in my purse for my digital camera. It was so hot that it literally burnt my fingers. I can't seem to find anything online about why this would happen but my husband recently mentioned that it happened with a 9volt battery he had in his pocket. What causes a battery to heat up randomly like this?
If you have metal in your purse you could have shorted out the battery. You should always have un-used battery in a plastic bag. They won't get hot that way. It can catch fire if you are not careful.
The warmth of your purse and the guys pocket heat up the chemicals in the batteries, it is dangerous. I had a AAA in my front pocket that did it, it burnt my leg and i had to go to the ER and get stuff for the burn.