Older or Oldest ?

2006-11-06 7:43 am
如果想指排行第二的孩子,應該說 The second older child ,還是 The second oldest child 呢?

回答 (8)

2006-11-06 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
it should be
"the second oldest child"
or juz "the second child"
簡簡單單話係"the second child" 就 ok 架喇~
參考: 12three,,hoHAheeeee
2006-11-07 4:16 am
the second oldest child
2006-11-06 3:23 pm
The second oldest child, because older mean bigger than.
2006-11-06 2:23 pm
the second oldest/ eldest child.
eldest cannot be used on non-human.
2006-11-06 12:00 pm
you could say, " I m the second child in my family"
The second oldest must be wrong..because Oldest is Superlative words....If you put "second" in front of it...it contradicts the meaning of it the word " oldest".....
Usually people wont use oldest to express the 排行....but use eldest instead....
I m the eldest sister means 排行第1

Wish it helps
參考: WW
2006-11-06 8:42 am
第一個小朋友係the oldest child
第二個就應該係The second oldest child
2006-11-06 7:48 am
you can say ' The second child' instead of ' The second older/oldest child.
參考: myself
2006-11-06 7:45 am
The second oldest child
參考: me

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