2006-11-06 3:37 am



回答 (3)

2006-11-06 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
XC90, is safe, especially volvo's cars, i think they are the best in the safety sections! I am not sure about your meaning of 可靠, if you sat relaibility, than i can say half half, the electric parts are bad, but the engines are good! Volvo is okay with the price, but it is more expensive than some japanese cars, but pls notes that it is cheaper than Merecedes Benz and BMW! XC 90 is very comfortable but if you sat the 6th and 7th seats, they are NOT comfortable! As a five seater car and the manufacturer make it to 7, they are really bad~!

2006-11-06 23:51:56 補充:
If you are really need a 7 seater, take the Honda or Toyota, due to they are not expensive and easy to repair! But if you dont use the last seats too often, then, i will suggest you to get a VW Toureag or Audi Q7, they are much better cars, consider they are both European cars!
參考: i m an automobile engineer
2006-11-06 9:17 pm
富豪XC90唔太可靠, 多小毛病同維修貴,
富豪XC90太貴, 這價錢可有其他更佳選擇,
富豪XC90舒適, 最後兩個位就麻麻, 不過其他牌子
的七人車也一樣, 最後兩個位不會很舒適。
2006-11-06 4:30 pm
XC90 I better consider with LEXUS lor. My friend using volvo, she told me thath so many problem for Volvo cars.

7 seat, toyoto is a good choice, too.

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