不太清楚在nvocc工作流程(我是在nvocc上班的~負責出口, 我知道每一間公司流程不一, 但有些地方想不通請大家幫幫

2006-11-06 3:03 am
2)打提單(提單有時係prepaid, 有時係collected)
3)send 提單俾客核對
4)提單無錯誤再send 俾船公司(姐係補料對不對?), 再等船公司send番張提單俾我對,冇錯之後再send 俾agent
5)出電放信&後補尾紙信夾埋cheque(我見我的同事是這樣做)加公司印,等速遞, 目的係轉單(好似係要同船公司換回B/L)
6)等客俾錢我o地公司, 先將inv 底單連同B/L 俾番客
1) 如果張B/L係collected為什麼出電放信&後補尾紙信要夾埋張cheque呢?唔係consignee已經俾o左錢咩, 點解要我o地公司俾呢?
2) 點解速遞電放信&後補尾紙信要俾埋個印俾速遞呢?
3) 點解要同船公司換回B/L呢?係e一part 張電放信又有咩用呢?
4) 點解要俾番張B/L o個客呢?
我唔知我問得清唔清楚, 希望你o地會明白~~請大家幫幫忙吧~~
我問太多問題啦,因為我是新手只可以俾十點, 對不起

回答 (1)

2006-11-06 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
) 如果張B/L係collected為什麼出電放信&後補尾紙信要夾埋張cheque呢?唔係consignee已經俾o左錢咩, 點解要我o地公司俾呢? - collect means freight collect, shipping company will collect freight from customer. the cheque your company issued is for the THC, handling, BL whatever FOB charge by shipping company

2) 點解速遞電放信&後補尾紙信要俾埋個印俾速遞呢? - the chop given to courier representing the courier to collect on your behalf

3) 點解要同船公司換回B/L呢?係e一part 張電放信又有咩用呢? - If you have a telex release letter given to shipping company, authorising shipping company to release cargo to consignee without BL then I also do not know why you need to get BL
4) 點解要俾番張B/L o個客呢? - you need to give BL to customer for him to release cargoes.
我唔知我問得清唔清楚, 希望你o地會明白~~請大家幫幫忙吧~~
我問太多問題啦,因為我是新手只可以俾十點, 對不起

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