
2006-11-06 2:48 am
水溶性生物鹼難以用萃取法提取分出,常加入雷氏銨鹽使生成生物鹼雷氏鹽沉淀析出。又如橙皮 、蘆丁、黃芩 、甘草皂 均易溶于鹼性溶液,當加入酸后可使之沉淀析出。

回答 (1)

2006-11-06 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
沉淀 is sedimnetation, it is gravitational settling of solid particles suspended in a liquid so that clear supernatant can be 析出. 析出 is decantation, it is the removal of liquid from a suspension by pouring the clear supernatant out.

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