
2006-11-06 2:31 am

回答 (1)

2006-11-06 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Candidates for the post of Director-General

The list of names, in English alphabetical order, and titles of the persons proposed by Member States for nomination by the Executive Board for the post of Director-General, as of 20 October 2006, is as follows. The Board will meet from 6 to 8 November 2006.

Dr Kazem Behbehani (proposed by Kuwait)

Dr Margaret Chan (陳馮富珍) (proposed by China)

Dr Julio Frenk (proposed by Mexico)

Mr David A. Gunnarsson (proposed by Iceland)

Dr Nay Htun (proposed by Myanmar)

Dr Bernard Kouchner (proposed by France)

Dr Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi (proposed by Mozambique)

Dr Shigeru Omi (proposed by Japan)

Professor Pekka Puska (proposed by Finland)

Ms Elena Salgado Méndez (proposed by Spain)

Professor Dr Tomris Türmen (proposed by Turkey)

2006-11-05 18:50:42 補充:
此乃中文:Kazem Behbehani博士 (由科威特提名)陈冯富珍博士(由中国提名)Julio Frenk博士 (由墨西哥提名)David A. Gunnarsson先生 (由冰岛提名)Nay Htun博士 (由缅甸提名)Bernard Kouchner博士 (由法国提名)Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi博士 (由莫桑比克提名)Shigeru Omi博士 (由日本提名)Pekka Puska教授 (由芬兰提名)Elena Salgado Méndez女士 (由西班牙提名)Tomris Türmen教授 (由土耳其提名)

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