恆商ad 有得選科嗎?? 10分!!!

2006-11-06 2:07 am
恆商ad 讀d 咩架??有冇得選科架(like 自己選讀account or econ...呢類既選科)
我見佢有provide d 實習機會俾d學生...
恆商ad係我既second choice...
佢既入學最低要求係咪真係一個AL pass 就得架啦...
希望有讀過恆商ad 既 黎答下啦^^~~

回答 (1)

2006-11-06 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the school provide the core subject and elective subject, core subject are compulsory and elective subject you can choose some accounting or finance subject to study in ga~

yes, their entry requirement are at least one AL pass, but I think if you really want to study in AD in business, I recommend you can choose city u community or poly u community college because 恆商 has less reputation in provide AD program~

if you really want to study in university and you guess that you can get one AL pass, you can also think of open U, they also provide AD and degree full time program, so you can also think of it ga~

the following have two website, hope that can help you la~


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