
2006-11-06 1:48 am
妨礙政策的實施/ 推行, 英文要點寫?? 唔該!!!

回答 (4)

2006-11-06 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
It hindered the implementation/ promulgation of the policy.
2006-11-06 2:09 am
Obstructed the execution/procession of policy.

Of course OBSTRUCTS should be used if you want to present a current policy.
2006-11-06 2:00 am
To block the enforcement and execution of the policies.

Block - 妨礙;
Policy - 政策;
Enforcement - 實施;
Execution - 執行.

Hope can help you.
2006-11-06 1:51 am
The policy cannot be proceeding and executing.

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