10點---subject pronoun, object pronoun

2006-11-06 12:08 am
subject pronoun, object pronoun的分別是什麼?


回答 (2)

2006-11-06 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Subject pronoun is a kind of pronouns that is used as the subject of a sentence.
examples: I, you, he, she, we, they, etc

Object pronoun is a kind of pronouns that is used as the object of a sentence.
examples: me, you, him, her, us, them, etc

2006-11-05 16:34:16 補充:
in case you do not understand, i will explain then again......There are different kinds of pronouns, but the personal pronouns which can be used as subjects or predicate nominatives (called the nominative case) are:I, you, he,she itwe, you, they

2006-11-05 16:34:51 補充:
The objective case personal pronouns are used as objects, either as objects of the preposition, indirect or direct objects. They are:me, you, him,her, itus, you, them

2006-11-05 16:35:09 補充:
Hence I may say the following:I gave him the ball. (him is an indirect object, I is the subject)You gave the pen to me (you is the subject and me is the object of the preposition)He gave her as a gift to the sultan. (he is subject and her is the direct object) Hope they will help you
參考: myself
2006-11-06 12:33 am
句子結構: subject + verb + object, e.g. I hit him

subject pronoun: I, you, he, she, we, they.
用o係句子開頭, 代表主語(subject)

object pronoun: me, you, him, her, us, them.
用o係句子中間或尾, 代表object

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