
2006-11-05 11:05 pm
請問若從大行或汽車代理如: 皇x車行, 寶x車行或大x行裏買由佢地既sales係報紙登廣告放出黎既車會唔會可靠d同冇咁多問題呀? 謝謝.

回答 (3)

2006-11-14 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Buy from 大行或汽車代理 is actually no difference from 2nd hand car shops or private sale. As those 2nd cars are actually private sale from their sales, no relation to the 代理 company itself.

Like when you buy a new car from them and ask for trade-in, they will offer an price to the buyer and get the car, that is the source for those 2nd cars. The sales accepts the car for themselives, not the 代理.

In my opinon, it is better to buy from private sale. It could be even better as the car will NOT much decorate by the car shop and you no need to pay higher price. However, same thing, you may need to bring the car to garge to check for the sake of safety.
2006-11-06 2:51 am
最好有人幫襯過同referral會好d. 如果你直係想買車,你可以搵我男友之前搵個間efBid汽車一站式公司(佢地唔係車行黎),因為我地最怕去車行比人挾住ga感覺.男友話佢地service好而且抵過出面, 你有興建可以去睇睇la,睇下佢地幫唔幫到你www.efbid.com (電話不知,請自己check la!).
2006-11-05 11:16 pm

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