
2006-11-05 10:12 pm

回答 (6)

2006-11-05 10:15 pm
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本生燈(Bunsen burner)是科學實驗室常用的高溫加熱工具之一。

該工具以羅伯特·威廉·本生的名字命名,而實際上是由他的助手 Peter Desdega 在1855年改良法拉第原先的一項設計而成。


參考: wiki
2006-11-05 10:27 pm
A common misconception is that the Bunsen burner was invented by German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen. Although it is named after him, it is actually an improvement made in 1855 by his laboratory assistant, Peter Desaga, on an earlier design by Michael Faraday. The improvement is called a Tirrel Burner. The main differences between these burners is the gas control valve on a Tirrel Burner and the improved structure of the Tirrel Burner. Most Bunsen burners are in fact Tirrel Burners.

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday, FRS (September 22, 1791 – August 25, 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of that time) who contributed significantly to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena.

Some historians of science refer to him as the best experimentalist in the history of science. It was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology. The SI unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after him, as is the Faraday constant, the charge on a mole of electrons (about 96,485 coulombs). Faraday's law of induction states that a magnetic field changing in time creates a proportional electromotive force.

He held the post of Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Faraday was the first, and most famous, holder of this position to which he was appointed for life.

真正發明 Bunsen Burner 的人是 Peter Desaga。Robert Wilhelm Bunsen 的助手 Michael Faraday 才是後期的改良者。因此,不要單純看名字便妄下判斷啊!
2006-11-05 10:17 pm
2006-11-05 10:16 pm
本生燈 無錯係由本生發明既 本生係1個科學家
參考: IS書
2006-11-05 10:15 pm
本生燈(Bunsen burner)是科學實驗室常用的高溫加熱工具之一。

該工具以羅伯特·威廉·本生的名字命名,而實際上是由他的助手 Peter Desdega 在1855年改良法拉第原先的一項設計而成。


2006-11-05 10:14 pm
本生燈是由 科學家 本生 BUNSEN 發明的

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