
2006-11-05 9:53 pm

question 1&2嘅問題,我唔明點解,大家用中文打翻d意思出黎

回答 (3)

2006-11-05 10:54 pm
Q1 a 針對熱帶雨林----討論砍伐森林對生態做成撞擊/產生影響


By destroying the tropical forests, we risk our own quality of life, gamble with the stability of climate and local weather, threaten the existence of other species, and undermine the valuable services provided by biological diversity.

While in most areas environmental degradation has yet to reach a crisis level where entire systems are collapsing, it is important to examine some of the effects of existing environmental impoverishment and to forecast some of the potential repercussions of forest loss. Continuing loss of natural systems could make human activities increasingly vulnerable to ecological surprises in the future.

The most immediate impact of deforestation occurs at the local level with the loss of ecological services provided by tropical rainforests and related ecosystems. Such habitats afford humans valuable services such as erosion prevention, flood control, water treatment, fisheries protection, and pollination—functions that are particularly important to the world's poorest people, who rely on natural resources for their everyday survival. Forest loss also reduces the availability of renewable resources like timber, medicinal plants, nuts and fruit, and game.

Over the longer term, deforestation of tropical rainforests can have a broader impact, affecting global climate and biodiversity. These changes are more difficult to observe and forecast from local effects, since they take place over a longer time scale and can be difficult to measure.

Q1 b 針對砍伐森林對生態做成撞擊/產生影響----評估解決方法之效用

2006-11-05 15:00:40 補充:
Q2 e???--->d (Your sir / miss--typo mistake) 什麼方法減慢生物多樣性之損失/傷害1)conservation, 2)preservation 3)protection
2006-11-05 10:12 pm
a。 討論生態影響砍伐森林。
b。 評價可能的解決問題的方法的效力

2)在熱帶雨林的生物多樣性 是在壓力下。 人們確定資源的模式可以在熱帶雨林影響生物多樣性損失。
a 。 生物多樣性是什麼?
b 。 它為什麼重要保持生物多樣性?
c 。 在哪路的差別在開發者之間的定義的資源的那兒和環境那些發展的熱帶雨林生物多樣性的?
e 。 建議模式減速生物多樣性損失。
2006-11-05 10:05 pm
you don't understand just because you are so lazy!!! Why not take out your dictionary to look out for the meaning? This will help you to memorise the words easily and difficult to forget them. Just try it.

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