2006-11-05 9:24 pm
如果我話唔buy mini cooper 就會以SMART FOR FOUR BRABUS or Toyota Prius來代之, 會唔會無sense, 甘應該用邊d車呢?

回答 (4)

2006-11-07 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
以個人喜好, 小弟首選係SMART FOR FOUR BRABUS, 取其車價比MINI平, 千五牌費平過MINI既千六, 四門好過MINI既雙門, 車廂空間好過MINI, 而且馬力/性能差不多.
PRIUS唔係唔好, 不過好似唔多同級數, 唔可以同上面兩車相提並論; MINI COOPER同SMART FOR FOUR屬於高性能小車, 而PRIUS則重節能, 操控感相對比較模糊, 路線與SMART, MINI大相逕庭.
2006-11-06 10:56 am

買Prius啦~ 又慳油, 車廂又闊落, 冷氣又凍~~

其實smart forfour Brabus唔係唔好, 不過車價貴, 同埋power太大 (以呢部車黎講), 以前做野果陣都試過, 唔係咁易handle, 跟住叫關x昌車我走一轉, 部車變得更得人驚...

反而我唔建議買mini, 又窄又唔靚又唔好揸.....!! 三部之中最差呢部!!!
參考: 自己試車經驗
2006-11-06 8:33 am
I think it make sense, i like the Prius, due to it really save petrol and is a green car~! Smart for four is also good, but i thing, the car is not cheap and fuel consumption is bad for a 1.3 car, and repairing cost is high! Think about it, it you would use that much of money, why dont you buy some top version car, like BMW 1 series, Peugoet 307
參考: i m an automobile engineer
2006-11-05 9:50 pm

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