log graph Q~~urgent~10 marks

2006-11-05 9:09 pm
Consider y = k(x^n) , where k and n are constants.

x || 10|| 20 || 30 || 40 || 50
y || 177.8|| 211.5 || 234.0 || 251.5 ||265.9

a) Plot a graph of log y against log x.

b) Find the y-intercept and the slope of the straight line.

c) Hence find the values of k and n.

上面x,y個D係個 表 黎架!! 唔係 absolute value


可唔可以唔plot graph 都計到ar??

回答 (2)

2006-11-06 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
y = k(x^n)
log y = log k + n log x
(a) Graph of log y against will be a straight line
(b) y-intercept = log k; slope of straight line = n
(c) k = anti-log (y-intercept); n = slope of straight line

2006-11-06 10:38:31 補充:
(a) Graph of log y against log x will be a straight line.(b) y-intercept here is log k ( not equal to 0)
2006-11-06 5:57 am
a) 你自己 plot

b) when x=0, y=k(o^n)=0
so, the y-intercept = (0,0)

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