what is history?

2006-11-05 8:40 pm
what is history?

answer me is English, please?

回答 (7)

2006-11-05 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you mean history in general, it means anything that happened in the past; something or some events that was done already.

If you mean history as a subject, it is some important or notable events that happened in the past. Specifically, the history of a place means the events that happened in that place in the past.

Hope these help. Good luck.
2006-11-06 1:53 am
1. History is real events that happened in the past.
Events that happened just now or happened long long time ago belonged to the past. These past events are all history.

2. History is the record of past events.
People in the past left behind many thing, such as stone tools, pieces of writing and photographs. These things are the record of their lives. These things are history.

3. History is the study of records of past events. In this sence, history is a subject for study.
2006-11-06 12:15 am
history is about the past and it is about what took place in the past.
2006-11-05 9:29 pm
1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.
2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a medical history of the patient.
3. the aggregate of past events.
4. the record of past events and times, esp. in connection with the human race.
5. a past notable for its important, unusual, or interesting events: a ship with a history.
6. acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings: Firsthand observers of our space program see history in the making.
7. a systematic account of any set of natural phenomena without particular reference to time: a history of the American eagle.
2006-11-05 8:56 pm
History is the old people did something in the past.
We study history because we have to learn something in the past,for example:culture.
Culture can help us to learn what the old people did in the past,for example:picture,

2006-11-05 13:06:48 補充:
History inclub anything what in the past,for example:events,pictures,words,sports,house,food,how to live,how to make fire......But something we don't know it is ture or not,if you can find the answer,you are so good!

2006-11-05 13:08:38 補充:
Sorry! Don't is do not.
參考: myself
2006-11-05 8:50 pm
1. We want to know how people lived in the past, so that
we can understand the present in the context of the past.
2006-11-05 8:42 pm
Something happened in the past...

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