chemistry exercise books comparision

2006-11-05 7:51 pm
these two chemistry exercise books:

CHEMISTRY MC Question for the HKCEE (aristo)
CHEMISTRY a systematic approach MC Question(solar)
which is better?

other recommendations are welcome

回答 (1)

2006-11-06 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have done CHEMISTRY MC Question for the HKCEE (aristo) before.
I think it is good enough for us who want to get a B.
On the other hand, I think MC Questions of the tutor K.Kwong (Xiandai) may be better than the two books you mentioned.

2006-11-11 18:39:31 補充:
Another recomendation:Masters' series HKCE Chemistry Book 1 MCQs(and also Book 2)(by K.Kwong) (Longman)

2006-11-13 12:23:00 補充:
For MCQs, you may also do some past papers.(for at least 10years)On the other hand, for structured questions,I would recommend Pilot Chemistry for the HKCEE Questions & Answer (Pilot)(by W.L.Chiu),Chemical calculaations & Qualitative Analysis(by E Cheng & J Chow)

2006-11-13 18:59:08 補充:
事實上, 你要compare的呢兩本野我估唔係人人兩本都有做過哂, 我都係做過一本only, 所以我有其他建議, 而其他建議真係值得參考ga! 所以我唔係咁明點解我的answer好似唔係太satisfy你...
參考: me

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