HELP!! I cannot type in Chinese again!!!!!

2006-11-05 4:36 pm
After cleaning the virus, I find it the yu-yin-li (the things that help you to change the method of typing chinese) disappear, I cannot find it even in the control penal(I hope thatI type it correctly), how can I find it, or how can I make it again... ...? My English is not very good, but I hope that you can help me... ... Better in Chinese... ... My English is not very good... ...

回答 (1)

2006-11-05 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

將你個cursor擺喺個小時鐘附近,right click,然後選最上面嗰個toolbar,然後揀番個語言列出嚟,睇下得唔得。

或者,試下喺control panel裡面揀 地區語言 (我用英文,個term 係regional and language option),click入去,揀語言(language),click details,喺裡面搵你要嘅中文輸入法。


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