Oxidizing/reducing agents問題~~~~教下我.......唔該 ..

2006-11-05 7:51 am
我想問下有好多acids都系oxidizing agents,點解?
咁alkali又會唔會系oxidizing agents??

同埋我想問acid同alkali系唔系都會increase the rate of rusting???


回答 (2)

2006-11-06 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
你想問點解有d酸有氧化性(例如濃硝酸和濃硫酸)? 通俗黎講係硝酸同硫酸有太多氧原子, 學術黎講係硝酸的氮和硫酸的硫的氧化數高. 因為氮和硫都有太多氧原子, 而氮和硫本身又唔係強的還原劑, 唔鐘意被過度氧化, 所以一有機會, 就會將氧推走, 將人地氧化. 本身酸根含氧太多o既酸先有咁o既性質(例如HNO3, H2SO4), 酸根含氧不多或無氧(例如H2SO3, HCl), 或酸根中心原子本身還原性較強(H2CO3)o既酸就冇咁o既性質. 氧化性跟酸鹼強度係無關. 所以alkali既可以係或唔係oxidizing agents, 睇翻OH-所配o既正離子, 如果係活潑金屬o既離子如Na+, 跟本冇氧化性, 如果係不活潑金屬o既離子如Cu2+, 咁就d咁多氧化性. 不過不活潑金屬o既氫氧化物多數沈澱, 不太會顯示氧化性.
rate of rusting係會隨離子增高而增快, 所以o係有水, 有酸或鹼o既情況下, 生銹會加快.
2006-11-05 9:07 am
actually, the term acid refers to proton donar, according to Bronsted and Lowry's theory, or more precisely, refers to electron acceptors, according to Lewis' definition, so many molecules do not contain H atoms, but they ar still acids. consider when water is added to HNO3, water is a base while HNO3 is an acid, but if H2O is added to NH3, H2O acts as an acid.
but i think ur term acid refers to molecules hving H atoms, as u know, when reaction occurs, acids always produce hydrogen gas after reaction, as seen in the formula of acids, such as HCl or dilute H2SO4, the oxidation number of H here ar +1, after reaction, which means H2 is produced, the oxidation number of H is now 0, the acid itself undergoes reduction, while oxidising another reactant, so that's why acids ar always oxidising agents.
i think ordinary bases ar not oxidising agents.

no. only acids accelerate rusting, while alkalis inhibits rusting
參考: myself

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