nothing to say vs say nothing??

2006-11-05 7:47 am
what are the different?nothing to say vs say nothing in detail....thxx

回答 (4)

2006-11-05 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
noting to say - 無話可說 ( 語氣是帶着無奈的 )。

e.g. I have nothing to say if she insisted on blaming me who is the one to break her heart.

say nothing - 沒有說任何話 ( 直接或帶有答覆的意思 ) 。

e.g. I say ( said ) nothing to that stranger.
參考: me
2006-11-05 11:51 pm
Nothing to say means
無嘢可以講 (唔係唔想講,係無嘢可以講)

say nothing means
無講到嘢  (可能有嘢可以講,亦可能無嘢可以講, 但最重要係無講到嘢)
2006-11-05 7:58 am
I have nothing to say = 我無野好講/無話可說;
I say (said) nothing = 我冇講過/冇意見;
2006-11-05 7:50 am
i have nothing to say means 我沒什麼可說.
i say nothing means 我沒說什麼.

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