
2006-11-05 7:16 am
The food smells nice.

回答 (4)

2006-11-05 6:15 pm
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The food smells nice. 文法用字都對。但 smells 只指氣味,還有味道。

Well, the food smells nice.. Looks nice.. but taste like ____. the chicken was only skin and bones... i only ate the rice. Syahrin ate everything. Pro!!! But what was embrassing was that when i return from washing my hand, ...
www.obs3ssion.blogspot.com/ - 37k -

The food tastes good. 好味道

The food tastes good and is in the fast-food price range, with lunch costing around $5. The place doesn't preach, but the message is clear to those interested in receiving it. Mr. Fainberg didn't open Health Zone because of some ...
query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9F0CE7DD1130F932A35751C1A965958260 - 23k

good 比 nice 更常用。也可說

The food smells good.

That said, Cay Tre not exactly luxurious but it is pleasant and the food smells good when you go in, always a reassuring sign in my view. These aromas are due to the rather unique selling point of Cay Tre, which is that a lot of the ...
www.london-eating.co.uk/3831.htm - 25k -

The food looks nice/good. 賣相好

wow…the food looks nice…the scenery looks superb….hard on your hubby lor, got to carry Nikita on his bag, not easy not easy…. Comment by my2lovelyrays — October 1, 2006 @ 10:58 pm. Such a nice hike…but poor daddy, have to backpack ...
crazymommy.wordpress.com/2006/10/01/flume-gorge-white-mountain/ - 30k -

The food looks good. 6. Helpful serving staff. Good variety of food choices. 7. The serving lines move quickly. Taste and flavor of food. 8. The food line is kept clean. Food is served at the right temperature. 9. ...
www.grand-blanc.k12.mi.us/QShare/Dining/Dining%20'06.ppt -

還有,可用 GREAT,即好好味,好正,好香。
2006-11-05 6:18 pm
Grammer is correct. You may also consider the following suggestions:

The food smells fresh.
The room is full of aroma of roses (or whatever you are trying to describe, such as: garlic and onions).
2006-11-05 10:09 am
2006-11-05 7:20 am

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