讀完 HKMA 既 DMS 課程, 有冇其他選擇

2006-11-05 6:46 am
本人讀完 DMS, 我想知道除了本身 HKMA 既 OFFER 之外, 仲會唔會有其他大專院校會收??? 因為其他大專院校好似要由頭開始讀過, 有冇什麼可以選擇呢?
有那一間大學會有好多 d excemption 給 DMS 學生??

回答 (3)

2006-11-08 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are many students finish HKMA DMS and transfer to ADMS HKU SPACE. it is because exemption is not grant by HKMA DMS students. This is the same for other university in hong kong (we have been doing a research). i suggest that if you do not want to retake a dip course, you should take degree which offer by HKMA.
2007-02-01 1:47 am
我都係 DMS Student ..我就快完 Level 1 既 Courses, 要選 Level 2 既 Courses 了, 花多眼亂唔知選什麼 ..請師兄姐指教.
2006-11-07 8:22 am
open u

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