
2006-11-05 6:43 am
我(s.1)係學校見到個男仔(s.5)...都可以算係一見鍾情...我毎次見到佢都特登同同行既同學講下野又或者刻意經過佢...但係佢同d女同學好fd咁..lunch又同女同學一齊...我唔知佢係唔係gay...我只係想同佢講下野就夠...我驚如果佢s.6升唔到原校就冇機會...好煩呀 -口-

回答 (3)

2006-11-05 2:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well,,i think that you should forget him,,
Last year,i study in a girl school,,i am S1 too,i also lk a tb in S.5,,
One day,i know her.she's nice at that time,,but
after some dayz,,i found that she's not.
i start to hate her and forget her.
Now,,i study in Canada lu..i study in a boy and girl school now,,Ofcourse,i lk boy now.
From seeing her xg,,i know that she have go back to the school in S.6.Ofcourse,,i'm happy la.
But anyway..if u really lk him,,you may try to ask someone that know him and get his msn,then,start to talk more wif him.
Last year,i've add another tb's msn,but actually,,i don't really know her,
but i still try to talk wif her in msn,At last,,we start to become fds,
but i didn't tell her i lk her..because i think she only think i'm a little kid!!
Be careful!fd,,maybe he will also think that you are a kid too!Especially u are F.1 this year,,'
but neway....+oil!!x)
sorry about it is full of English..but Truthfully!i hope you can be his fd!!:)
參考: my brain
2006-11-05 7:05 am
正面啲去面對佢, 唔好閃閃縮縮啦, 你可以趁佢一個人行埋佢度同佢講 「Hi, 介唔介同我做個 Friend ? 我叫 XXX」早啲開始先有多啲時間同佢接觸, 了解下佢, 就算佢唔係基你起碼都多個師兄朋友, 得閒問下佢功課, 我諗至少咁樣你都會開心啲
2006-11-05 6:48 am

例如睇下佢join左d咩活動or club 你都可以搵d機會接近佢



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