
2006-11-05 6:29 am
how can i get the skeleton clothes teach me and i will give back u 2k

回答 (3)

2006-11-07 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
地點:Draynor Village

必備物品:求其一種wcing axe (bronze, rune, addy...)

REWARDS: 一共五樣夾埋的skeleton outfit (gloves, bodies, legs, head and shoes) 及南瓜頭 (pumpkin head)

- o向 Draynor Bank 的西北面找Diango,talk to him,佢會俾個 Ghost Buster 500 同埋 50 卷 white destabiliser 和五種 coloured destabilisers (yellow, red, blue, black and green),每種十卷

- 入去落sewer 隔籬的屋仔 (唔係落sewer!!!),出面有d受驚的fiaries飛來飛去的,climb down ladder

- 先 use white destabiliser with Ghost Buster 500,wield o左佢,見到有玩具、木偶、玩具盒、有灰塵的東西就right click 按“spray the XXX”,成功o既話就unlock 個“scared”emote

- 跟住隻o野就變o左有colour的ghost,你spray o左o個隻有個大黃色箭咀指住,你根據隻ghost 的colour再換destabilisers (use coloured destabilisers with Ghost Buster 500),按“dismiss the XXX (colour) ghost”,你就成功dismiss o左隻ghost啦!

- 直至你dismiss o左三隻同顏色的ghost佢會話“congratulations! U can claim rewards from Diango”o架啦!不過你可以dismiss 曬五種顏色各三隻ghost先一次過問Dingo拿rewards

- o重有個南瓜頭拿的,你只要在dismiss完ghosts後climb down ladder,見到棵evil tree在正中間,就pull佢條根(在牠個evil樣下面),你會跌落去,跟住你用axe chop d evil roots,十條就夠,跟住一直行留意右上角的minimap出口啡色正方格來的

- 你可以dismiss 曬d ghosts + chop evil roots,再去一次過問Dingo拿reward就得啦! // dismiss完一次就問Diango拿reward,又去dismiss過再去拿……

隨你鍾意,一次過拿save time d~


P.S 俾我見到上面o個個人抄我,激死,你未玩過唔識自己根據自己經驗打上去話俾人知點玩ge 咩?我打錯d o野你都照copy and paste,為o左o個兩分~ 唉……

2006-11-06 23:45:28 補充:
唔記得補充番呢個答案摘自我答的另一條問題:「runescape halloween!」,網址係
參考: 我的經驗,你快d行動啦,如果唔係冇o架啦!Halloween過o左幾耐啦 = =”
2006-11-05 8:33 pm
地點:Draynor Village

必備物品:求其一種wcing axe (bronze, rune, addy...)

REWARDS: 一共五樣夾埋的skeleton outfit (gloves, bodies, legs, head and shoes) 及南瓜頭 (pum*****in head)

- o向 Draynor Bank 的西北面找Dingo,talk to him,佢會俾個Ghost Buster 500 同埋 50 卷 white destabiliser 和五種 coloured destabilisers (yellow, red, blue, black and green),每種十卷

- 入去落sewer 隔籬的屋仔 (唔係落sewer!!!),出面有d受驚的fiaries飛來飛去的,climb down ladder

- 先 use white destabiliser with Ghost Buster 500,wield o左佢,見到有玩具、木偶、玩具盒、有灰塵的東西就right click 按“spray the XXX”,成功o既話就unlock 個“scared”emote

- 跟住隻o野就變o左有colour的ghost,你spray o左o個隻有個大黃色箭咀指住,你根據隻ghost 的colour再換destabilisers (use coloured destabilisers with Ghost Buster 500),按“dismiss the XXX (colour) ghost”,你就成功dismiss o左隻ghost啦!

- 直至你dismiss o左三隻同顏色的ghost佢會話“congratulations! U can claim rewards from Dingo”o架啦!不過你可以dismiss 曬五種顏色各三隻ghost先一次過問Dingo拿rewards

- o重有個南瓜頭拿的,你只要在dismiss完ghosts後climb down ladder,見到棵evil tree在正中間,就pull佢條根(在牠個evil樣下面),你會跌落去,跟住你用axe chop d evil roots,十條就夠,跟住一直行留意右上角的minimap出口啡色正方格來的

- 你可以dismiss 曬d ghosts + chop evil roots,再去一次過問Dingo拿reward就得啦! // dismiss完一次就問Dingo拿reward

隨你鍾意,一次過拿save time d~

Hope this can help u la~ ^^
2006-11-05 6:45 am
開始: 要去 Draynor village 找 Diango

之後就去 ! 標誌的 east side 的 Diango Workshop Basement
要帶 wood axe, pull up the evil root再拎 10條樹根
可以拿jack lantren mask
跟住係要將支 white 既噴漆裝上,
然後射向 d 鬼到, 再換上一支顏色噴漆裝上,
再射向 d 鬼到, 隻鬼就死了, 要殺死大約 3次左右
可以拿skeleton clothes
再回去同 Diango 傾計就會比 rewards 你

you need to kill two to three for each kind of clothes

add me : Tonyshum123
you have to keep your promise

2006-11-04 22:47:58 補充:
if you just want the skeleton clothesyou still have to cut the root or he don't give you the job

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