有無人識答,可以幫幫手?? 關於酒店, 我需要專門既答覆, 感謝!! (20pts!!)

2006-11-05 5:40 am
E. Financial Management
Try to get information as possible, be aware that this is often proprietary. Or estimate based on your questions and your best guess. Discuss how you arrived at the figures you present.
1. Average occupancy rate or daily customer count
2. Average check or guest expenditure.

回答 (1)

2006-11-05 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.  住客平均佔房率或每天客人數量
2.  每個客人平均消費

以上統計酒店的客人住客和消費,以便計算房間的租金回報及餐飲購貨和利潤, 應該是財務管理,是會計學的其中一種

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