Pls tell me more about Singapore !

2006-11-05 5:12 am
Pls tell me more about Singapore ! ( In English)
Also anytnigs about singpore also OK!!!!
Pls!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lots ^^ ~

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 4:26 am
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Land and Climate
Pick up bite-sized facts and figures about Singapore here! Click on the topics on the left to access facts at a glance.

Total land area:
699.4 sq km. Comprises one main island (617.1 sq km) and some 63 offshore islands. Among the offshore islands, the larger ones are Pulau Tekong (2365.5 hectares), Pulau Ubin (1023.9 hectares) and Sentosa (460 hectares).

Between latitudes 1º 09´N and 1º 29´N and longitudes 103º 36´E and 104º 25´E.

Singapore has an equatorial climate, which is warm and humid all year round. Rain is felt throughout the year.

Average daily temperature:

Average daily maximum:

Average daily minimum:

Annual rainfall:
2,345 mm

Average daily relative humidity:
2006-11-08 9:41 am
Singapore Background:

Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963 but separated two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest in terms of tonnage handled) and with per capita GDP equal to that of the leading nations of Western Europe.

Singapore Economy:

Singapore, a highly developed and successful free market economy, enjoys a remarkably open and corruption-free environment, stable prices, and a per capita GDP equal to that of the Big 4 West European countries. The economy depends heavily on exports, particularly in electronics and manufacturing. It was hard hit in 2001-03 by the global recession, by the slump in the technology sector, and by an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003, which curbed tourism and consumer spending. The government hopes to establish a new growth path that will be less vulnerable to the external business cycle and will continue efforts to establish Singapore as Southeast Asia's financial and high-tech hub. Fiscal stimulus, low interest rates, a surge in exports, and internal flexibility led to vigorous growth in 2004, with real GDP rising by 8 percent, by far the economy's best performance since 2000.

Singapore Transnational Issues:

Disputes — international:
Disputes persist with Malaysia over deliveries of fresh water to Singapore, Singapore's extensive land reclamation works, bridge construction, maritime boundaries, and Pedra Branca Island/Pulau Batu Putih - parties agree to ICJ arbitration on island dispute within three years; Indonesia and Singapore pledged in 2005 to finalize their 1973 maritime boundary agreement by defining unresolved areas north of Batam Island; piracy remains a problem in the Malacca Strait

Illicit drugs:
As a transportation and financial services hub, Singapore is vulnerable, despite strict laws and enforcement, to be used as a transit point for Golden Triangle heroin and as a venue for money laundering.

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