Differentiation .~~*

2006-11-05 5:09 am
Consider the curve y= f(x)=√3 sin2x +cos 2x, where - π/2 =<x=<π/2.

Find the turning point(s) of the curve y=f(x) . For each point, test whether it is a maximum or a minimum point.

回答 (2)

2006-11-09 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
f(x)=√3 sin2x +cos 2x
f ' (x)=2√3cos2x-2sin2x
f' ' ' (x)=-4√3sin2x-4cos2x

To find turning point, set f ' (x) = 0
2√3cos2x-2sin2x = 0
tan2x = √3
- π/2 =<x=<π/2, therefore, - π =<2x=<π
Therefore, 2x=π/3 or 2x=π/3 - π = -2π/3
x = π/6 or x = -π/3
When x = π/6,
f ' ' (x) = -4√3 (√3/2) -4(1/2) = -8 <0
f(x) = √3 (√3/2) + (1/2) = 2
Therefore, (π/6,2) is max. point
When x = -π/3,
f ' ' (x) = -4√3 (-√3/2) -4(-1/2) = 8 >0
f(x) = √3 (-√3/2) + (-1/2) = -2
Therefore, (-π/3,-2) is min. point
2006-11-05 5:32 am
f(x)=√3 sin2x +cos 2x
f &#39; (x)=2√3cos2x-2sin2x
f&#39; &#39; &#39; (x)=-4√3sin2x-4cos2x

f &#39; (x) = 0
2√3cos2x-2sin2x = 0

f &#39; &#39; (x) x=π/6 &gt; 0
(π/6,2) is min. point

If there are any mistake
please feel free to contact me

2006-11-04 21:35:43 補充:
f *(x) cannot be displayed here,therefore I use dy/dx and d^2y/dx*2 instead of f*(x) and f**(x) respectively dy/dx=2√3cos2x-2sin2xd^2y/dx*2=-4√3sin2x-4cos2xdy/dx= 0...simply....x=π/6d^2y/dx*2 [x=π/6] = 0and so on

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