
2006-11-05 3:56 am
what is past participle and present perfect tense??

回答 (2)

2006-11-05 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
past participle 動詞的過去分詞 is a form of verbs.
for example:
do did done doing; throw threw thrown throwing
done and thrown are past participles (while doing and throwing are called present participle).

past participle is commonly used in english. it is always used in present perfect tense (i have done it), passive voice (it has been done) and part participle phrase (scolded by mum, i was unhappy).

現在完成式 Present Perfect Tense :
have / has + 動詞的過去分詞
(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。
eg. I have written a letter this morning. 我今早己寫完一封信。
eg. Has he gone? 他已走了嗎〈剛走了嗎〉?
Yes, he has gone. 他已走了〈剛走了〉。

hope this can help you.
2006-11-05 4:00 am
present perfect tense:
have/has + past participle

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