微球蛋白測試Urine Micro-albumin Test

2006-11-04 9:00 pm
微球蛋白超標是表示什麽, 原因及治療方法?
What is the meaning, cause and treatment of high Urine Micro-albumin testing result?

回答 (1)

2006-11-05 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before I answer your question, I should give you a brief overview of what you need to know.

Albumin -- is a blood protein that regulates the osmotic pressure of blood plasma.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) = 糖尿病
Diabetic Nephropathy = 糖尿引起的腎病

1. Urine Micro-albumin test is testing the amount of Albumin in the urine. In Diabetic Nephropthy, there will be gross proteinuria (蛋白尿)... However, in people who have DM but no gross proteinuria, Micro-ablumin in the urine (small amount of albumin, although the prefix of micro is misused) can predict the outcome of future Diabetic Nephropathy. The use of the word OUTCOME in this context is cruel, and deeper philosophy is rooted this area of medical practice.

2. To summarize an easy answer. This test is to test the amount of albumin in the urine to determine if Micro-albuminuria is present or not. If present, early preventive treatment can be started to minimize future damages.

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