
2006-11-04 8:54 pm
1.Bakery A sells cakes at a 20% discount. Bakery B offers a promotion of
"buy 3 gets 1 free".If the marked prices of each cake at both bakeries are the same , which one offers a greater discount for buying a dozen of cakes?

回答 (4)

2006-11-04 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the price of one cake be X

Buying a dozen of cakes at A equals to
12*X*80% = 9.6X

Buying a dozen of cakes at B equals to

Bakery B offers a greater discount for buying a dozen of cakes.
2006-11-04 9:05 pm
Let the price of 1 cake is $1
Bakery A:1x12x(1-20%)

Bakery B:(3+1)/12 x3x1
Bakery B offers a greater discount for buying a dozen of cakes.
2006-11-04 9:02 pm
A店以 8 折出售蛋糕
B店提供 買 3 送 1 的優惠
問在哪間店買 一打蛋糕 所獲折扣較大?

2006-11-04 13:03:28 補充:
弄錯了不是售價相同, 是標價相同
2006-11-04 9:02 pm
Let x be the marked price of 1 cake

For Bakery A,
if we buy a dozen of cakes,
12x *( 1 - 20% )
= 9.6 x

For Bakery B,
if we buy a dozen of cakes,
we only need to buy 9 cakes as buy 9 cakes will get 3 free cakes.
price = 9x

so, Bakery B offers a greater discount for buying a dozen of cakes

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