f.1 maths...%%

2006-11-04 7:39 pm
1.In shop A,the marked price of a MD player is $1920 and the selling price is $1248.In shop B.the marked price of the sameMD player is $1760and the selling price is $1320.Whick shop offers a larger discount ?
2.In a shop,a watch is marked at$200 and a pen is marked at$180.If Mr.Chan buys the watch at 20% discount and the pen ar 15% discount,how much should he pay in total?

thx lots...plz give steps!

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 7:52 pm
shop A: 1 - (1248 / 1920 *100%) = 35%
shop A offers 35% off

shop B: 1 - (1320 / 1760 *100%) = 25%
shop B offers 25% off

Therefore, shop A offers a larger discount.

New price of watch = $200 * (1-20%) = $160
New price of pen = $180 * (1-15%) = $153

Therefore, total price = $160 + $153 = $313
2006-11-04 7:46 pm
In shop A, the discount = 1 - ($1248/ $1920) = 1 - 0.65 = 35% discount
In shop B, the discount = 1 - ($1320/ $1760) = 1 - 0.75 = 25% discount

Therefore, Shop A offer a larger discount than Shop B.

The total should pay = $200 * (1-20%) + $180 * (1-15%) = $160 + $153 = $313

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:51:04
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